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April 3, 2024News

Safety and collaboration are paramount in response to Texas wildfires

In response to the recent Texas wildfires, our teams have come together to support each other and our communities.

All employees at our Borger Nitrogen site and Retail facilities in Texas are safe from the wildfires, but many were impacted, and several members of their families lost their homes and property. Our Culture of Care extends across locations and beyond our sites, and our Borger and Retail colleagues, as well as the Community Relations & Investment (CRI) team, have been deeply engaged in disaster relief efforts.

“Our employees have been providing cleanup efforts, water, food and transportation to folks in the community, and disaster relief contributions and matching gifts,” says Kelley Payne, Advisor, Talent Attraction & Community Relations. “Seeing how everyone has stepped up to provide support in different ways makes me so thankful to be part of this organization and work alongside such great people.”

When the wildfires started, the team at Borger developed a command center in the site’s administrative conference room and contacted all Nutrien employees in the area to verify that they were safe, accounted for and aware of our Employee Emergency Relief Program and hotel options if they needed a place to stay.

The team also donated water, food, supplies, personal protective equipment and gift cards to employees, contractors and first responders, and worked with CRI to set up donation options with organizations providing emergency relief. Nutrien will be providing $50,000 to local fire relief and recovery agencies.

“In the face of tragedy, our people have been out bravely supporting our neighbors,” says Bobby Franklin, Borger General Manager. “They’ve given their time, sweat, money, tears, smiles, pats on the back and shoulders to lean on. Our team’s selfless, thoughtful and noble response to the fires has been nothing short of stunning.”

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