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Website policies and notices

Terms of use

Nutrien may revise and update this Legal Notice at anytime and without notice. You are cautioned to review the Legal Notice posted on this website periodically. Your continued use of the website will constitute a deemed acceptance of those changes.


Material contained within the Nutrien Ltd. (“Nutrien”) website is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute an offering of securities in any jurisdiction. Information disclosed under the corporate and securities laws of those Canadian and U.S. jurisdictions applicable to Nutrien is not intended to be in any way qualified, amended, modified or supplemented by the information available in, through or on this website. Due to the technical and security risks inherent on the internet, and because the information you access may differ from the original depending on your browser software, the information contained within this website should not be used for the purpose of making investment decisions with respect to any securities of Nutrien. If you are contemplating trading in securities of Nutrien, you should contact Investor Relations to obtain printed copies of the documents you wish to review.

Prohibited Use of this Website

You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to, or breach the security or authentication measures of, any portion of this website, or any other systems or networks connected to this website or any Nutrien server or obtain any materials, documents or information through any means not purposely made available through this website. You may not interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of this website or any transaction being conducted on this website, or with any other person’s use of this website. You may not pretend that you are, or that you represent, someone else, or impersonate any other person. You may not frame, link to, or screen scrape this website without Nutrien’s express permission. You may not reproduce or redistribute any HTML code, Java code or other code contained on this website without Nutrien’s express permission. You may not use this website or any of its content for any purpose that infringes upon, misappropriates or violates the rights of any person or encourages or that effects harmful or illegal activity.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Nutrien maintains this website for information purposes only as a service to its customers and the internet community. Nutrien will use reasonable efforts to include information that is accurate, relevant and up to date at the time it is posted; however, Nutrien does not warrant or make any representations, warranties or claims of any kind, either express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, completeness and currency or otherwise of the information (including any software algorithms, text, hyperlinks or graphics) provided on this website including warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of intellectual property rights, third-party rights, title, latent defects, uninterrupted service, fitness for any particular purpose or freedom from computer viruses. We follow best practices with respect to our sustainability reporting, which includes incorporating internationally recognized methodologies, standards and recommendations into our reporting metrics. Information provided in connection with our sustainability reporting is dynamic and may change over time in response to (i) legislative, regulatory, policy or other changes in the jurisdictions where we operate and (ii) changes to the methodologies and/or standards upon which our sustainability reporting is based.

By accessing this website, you agree that, in no event shall Nutrien be liable or responsible for any claims, losses or damages, whether direct, special, indirect, moral or consequential, loss of profits or opportunities or legal expenses arising out of the interpretation, reliance upon or other use, authorized or unauthorized, of such information, even if Nutrien is advised of the possibility of such claims, losses, damages or expenses. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties so the above exclusion may not apply to you. Information may be changed or updated without notice.

All monetary amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted.

Forward-looking Information and Statements

Certain statements and other information contained on this website constitutes “forward-looking information” or “forward-looking statements” (collectively, “forward-looking statements”) under applicable securities laws. Such statements are often accompanied by words such as “anticipate”, “forecast”, “expect”, “believe”, “may”, “will”, “should”, “estimate”, “intend” or other similar words. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements. As such, undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements.

All of the forward-looking statements are qualified by the assumptions that are stated or inherent in such forward-looking statements, including the assumptions referred to below. Although we believe that these assumptions are reasonable, having regard to our experience and our perception of historical trends, the assumptions set forth below are not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the forward-looking statements and readers should not place undue reliance on these assumptions and such forward-looking statements. Current conditions, economic and otherwise, render assumptions, although reasonable when made, subject to greater uncertainty. The additional key assumptions that have been made include, among other things: assumptions with respect to our ability to successfully complete, integrate and realize the anticipated benefits of our already completed and future acquisitions and divestitures, and that we will be able to implement our standards, controls, procedures and policies in respect of any acquired businesses and to realize the expected synergies on the anticipated timeline or at all; that future business, regulatory and industry conditions will be within the parameters expected by us, including with respect to prices, expenses, margins, demand, supply, product availability, shipments, consumption, weather conditions, supplier agreements, availability and cost of labor and interest, exchange and effective tax rates; assumptions with respect to global economic conditions and the accuracy of our market outlook expectations for each year and in the future; our expectations for fertilizer prices to stabilize near mid-cycle values; assumptions with respect to our intention to complete share repurchases under our normal course issuer bid programs, including the funding of such share repurchases, existing and future market conditions, including with respect to the price of our common shares, and compliance with respect to applicable limitations under securities laws and regulations and stock exchange policies; our expectations regarding the impacts, direct and indirect, of certain geopolitical events on, among other things, global supply and demand, including for crop nutrients, energy and commodity prices, global interest rates, supply chains and the global macroeconomic environment, including inflation; the adequacy of our cash generated from operations and our ability to access our credit facilities or capital markets for additional sources of financing; our ability to identify suitable candidates for acquisitions and divestitures and negotiate acceptable terms; our ability to maintain investment grade ratings and achieve our performance targets; our ability to successfully negotiate sales contracts; our ability to achieve our sustainability targets; and our ability to successfully implement new initiatives and programs.

Events or circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: general global economic, market and business conditions; failure to complete announced and future acquisitions or divestitures at all or on the expected terms and within the expected timeline; seasonality; climate change and weather conditions, including impacts from regional flooding and/or drought conditions; crop planted acreage, yield and prices; the supply and demand and price levels for our products; governmental and regulatory requirements and actions by governmental authorities, including changes in government policy (including tariffs, trade restrictions and climate change initiatives), government ownership requirements, changes in environmental, tax and other laws or regulations and the interpretation thereof; political risks, including civil unrest, actions by armed groups or conflict and malicious acts including terrorism; the occurrence of a major environmental or safety incident; innovation and cybersecurity risks related to our systems, including our costs of addressing or mitigating such risks; counterparty and sovereign risk; delays in completion of turnarounds at our major facilities; interruptions of or constraints in availability of key inputs, including natural gas and sulfur; any significant impairment of the carrying amount of certain assets; risks related to reputational loss; certain complications that may arise in our mining processes; the ability to attract, engage and retain skilled employees and strikes or other forms of work stoppages; certain geopolitical events and their potential impact on, among other things, global market conditions and supply and demand, including for crop nutrients, energy and commodity prices, interest rates, supply chains and the global economy generally; our ability to execute on our strategies related to environmental, social and governance matters, and achieve related expectations, targets and commitments; the risk that rising interest rates and/or deteriorated business operating results may result in the impairment of assets or goodwill attributed to certain of our cash generating units; and other risk factors detailed from time to time in reports filed by Nutrien with the Canadian securities regulators and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

Nutrien disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements as a result of new information or future events, except as may be required under applicable Canadian securities legislation or applicable US federal securities laws.

Investment Recovery

The provision of information on Nutrien’s website regarding equipment or other articles of personal property, does not constitute an offer to sell any such equipment or personal property by Nutrien. The information on this website is provided solely for advertisement purposes. The equipment or personal property, when sold, will be sold “as is” with no implied warranties or guarantees with regards to design, standard, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or compliance with any statutes, rules, regulations or orders. The buyer of the equipment or personal property will agree, in a formal agreement of purchase and sale, to indemnify and hold harmless Nutrien, its directors, officers, shareholders, agents and employees from and against any and all claims for death, injury, loss or damages to property that may be caused by or may arise from use of any equipment purchased by the buyer. The formal purchase and sale agreement will be effective upon the acceptance of such agreement by Nutrien. Nutrien will supply the formal purchase and sale agreement, at its own discretion, to prospective buyers who express an interest in equipment advertised on this website. The advertisement of equipment is, and the formal agreement of purchase and sale shall be, governed by the law of the Province of Alberta and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein, without regard for any conflict of laws provisions.

Non-IFRS Financial Measures

Nutrien uses both IFRS measures and certain non-IFRS financial measures to assess performance. Certain financial measures on Nutrien’s websites are not prepared in accordance with IFRS. Non-IFRS financial measures are financial measures disclosed by Nutrien that (a) depict historical or expected future financial performance, financial position or cash flow of Nutrien, (b) with respect to their composition, exclude amounts that are included in, or include amounts that are excluded from, the composition of the most directly comparable financial measure prepared in accordance with IFRS and disclosed in the primary financial statements of Nutrien, (c) are not disclosed in the financial statements of Nutrien, and (d) are not a ratio, fraction, percentage or similar representation. Non-IFRS ratios are financial measures disclosed by Nutrien that are in the form of a ratio, fraction, percentage or similar representation that have a non-IFRS financial measure as one or more of its components, and that are not disclosed in the financial statements of Nutrien.

These non-IFRS financial measures and non-IFRS ratios are not standardized financial measures under IFRS and, therefore, are unlikely to be comparable to similar financial measures presented by other companies. Management believes these non-IFRS financial measures and non-IFRS ratios provide transparent and useful supplemental information to help investors evaluate our financial performance, financial condition and liquidity using the same measures as management. These non-IFRS financial measures and non-IFRS ratios should not be considered as a substitute for, or superior to, measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with IFRS.

Links to Third-party Websites

Nutrien does not control any third-party website and is therefore not responsible for the accuracy of the content of any linked website or any link contained in a linked website. Nutrien provides such links only as a convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement, investigation or verification by Nutrien of the linked website or information contained therein. Use of such third-party websites will be solely at your risk. Nutrien will not be liable to you for any claims, losses or damages suffered, resulting from or arising out of the interpretation, reliance upon or other use, authorized or unauthorized, of such website or information. Please review Nutrien’s Privacy & Cookies Statement for more information regarding third-party website use and your personal information.

Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership

This website and its entire contents, including all information, text, displays, graphics, photographs, video, audio, design, presentation, selection, and arrangement, are owned by Nutrien or its licensors, and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws of Canada and other countries. Nutrien’s name, the various Nutrien logos and all related names, words, titles, phrases, logos, icons, graphics or designs in the pages of this website are trade names, trademarks or service marks of Nutrien or its affiliates. Other names, logos, product and service names, designs, images, and slogans which appear on this website, may constitute the trademarks of their respective owners, and are used under license. The display of trademarks, trade names or service marks on pages of this website does not imply that a license of any kind has been granted to anyone else. Any unauthorized downloading, retransmission, republication or other copying or modification of material posted on this website, including trademarks, trade names and service marks, may violate copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws, and may result in legal action.

Internet and E-mail

Visitors to Nutrien’s website are reminded that the internet is not yet a fully secure medium and therefore confidentiality and privacy cannot be ensured. Nutrien will not be liable for any damages resulting from the transmission of confidential or personal information. Please review Nutrien’s Privacy & Cookies Statement for more information regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information obtained in connection with the use of Nutrien’s website.

Resources Terms of Use

You may use the NUTRIEN trademark and related logos (the “Marks”) on this site solely to publicize the use of goods and services that originate from or are sold or provided by Nutrien and its affiliates. You may not use the Marks for your own or any third party commercial purposes, and you do not have any right or license to use the Marks in connection with the promotion of your own or any third party commercial goods or services or the operation of any other commercial enterprise. Any use of a Mark shall be (i) subject to the requirements set out on in this paragraph and any additional requirements that Nutrien may advise you of from time to time, including without limitation notices to indicate that the Marks are owned by Nutrien and are being used under license; and (ii) revocable by Nutrien (acting reasonably) at any time. You acknowledge that Nutrien retains the full right, title and interest in and to the Marks and all use of the Marks by you and all goodwill associated therewith shall enure solely to the benefit of Nutrien. Upon receiving a request from Nutrien you shall promptly disclose all use of the Marks by you or on your behalf together with any related details as Nutrien may reasonably request. All Marks shall be accompanied by the following note immediately below the Mark: “Used under license from Nutrien Ltd.”

You may only use the contents of this website, or materials available through this website, for your personal and non-commercial use. You shall not, directly or indirectly, reproduce, compile for an internal database, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store, or transmit any of the material on our website, in any form or medium whatsoever, except:

  • your computer and browser may temporarily save or cache copies of materials being accessed and viewed;
  • a reasonable number of copies for personal use only may be printed keeping any proprietary notices thereon, which may only be used for non-commercial and lawful personal use and not for further reproduction, publication, or distribution of any kind on any medium whatsoever.

You are not permitted to modify copies of any materials from this website nor delete or alter any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices from copies of materials from this website.

If you print off, copy, or download any part of this website in breach of this Legal Notice, your right to use this website will cease immediately and you must, at Nutrien’s option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made. You have no right, title, or interest in or to this website or to any content on the website, and all rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by Nutrien. Any use of this website not expressly permitted by this Legal Notice is a breach of these terms and conditions and may violate copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws.

Social Media Disclaimer

At Nutrien, our purpose is Feeding the Future. As the world’s largest provider of crop inputs, services and solutions, Nutrien plays a critical role in feeding the future. We’re moving the agriculture industry and the world forward – today and for generations to come. We engage with our communities and stakeholders through various social media platforms. We pride ourselves on adhering to our code of conduct and encourage you to read our social media guidelines:

  • Nutrien distributes information and communication through the following social media channels:
    • Facebook - @nutrienltd
    • Twitter - @nutreinltd
    • LinkedIn -
    • Instagram - @nutrienltd
    • YouTube - /nutrien
  • All information distributed through our social media channels is for informational purposes only. Certain information may constitute forward-looking information or forward-looking statements and may relate to, among other things, targeted cost savings, anticipated financial performance, business prospects and strategies. For further information on additional risks and uncertainties with respect to such forward-looking information and forward-looking statements, you are advised to consult Nutrien’s Annual Information Form under the heading “Forward-Looking Information”.
  • Any opinions or views expressed on our social media channels represent the thoughts of individual users and not necessarily those of Nutrien or any of its corporate partners, affiliates or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, staff or members of its respective board of directors.
  • Be polite and respectful of others’ views, opinions and statements including those of Nutrien.
  • Foul language and inappropriate comments will not be tolerated. Nutrien reserves the sole right to review, edit and/or delete any comments it deems appropriate, including spam, postings from fake profiles, fake or libelous information and off-topic/irrelevant posts and inappropriate language.
  • When commenting on Twitter please use the @mention to ensure we are notified of your message.
  • When we follow, retweet or comment on another user account it does not constitute an endorsement, agreement with or support of any person, group, affiliation, or information.
  • We welcome all questions and comments but sometimes it’s better to do so outside of our social media platforms. Please feel free to contact us directly via our corporate contacts found here: or we may send you a response via a private message.
  • The Internet is not a secure medium and privacy cannot be ensured. None of Nutrien, its affiliates, or their respective directors, officers, employees or agents will be responsible for any damages that may result from your transmission of confidential or sensitive information through our social media channels. Please review Nutrien’s Privacy & Cookies Statement for more information regarding social media use and your personal information.
  • Links or references to third party sites or materials may be provided through our social media channels. These are not controlled by Nutrien, we do not endorse them and are not liable for any damages arising from information provided on these third party sites or in these materials. These websites or services may have different privacy practices and policies than ours and we recommend that you review their privacy policies to determine if they are acceptable to you.
  • You participate on our social media channels at your own risk, and are responsible for the content you post and all activity that occurs under your accounts, If another party makes a claim against Nutrien that is related to content you submit, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Nutrien and each of its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from those claims and demands.
  • No communication to Nutrien through any social media channels shall be deemed to constitute legal or official notice for any purpose.
  • We reserve the right to change this disclaimer at any time. Please be advised that this disclaimer should be reviewed regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes.