Why it matters

As one of Nutrien’s core values, Safety is at the heart of everything we do. Nothing is more important than the safety, health, and wellness of our employees, our contractors, and the communities we serve.   

Our work on worker health and safety supports the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

image-20220303150404-1 SDG - Goal 8

Our approach

At Nutrien, our vision is for everyone to go home safe, every day. To achieve this vision, we focus on enhancing and integrating a Culture of Care and having a clear plan of action, The Nutrien Way.



Our strategy

To achieve our vision, our safety strategy focuses on enhancing and integrating a Culture of Care across Nutrien by demonstrating deliberate, principled behaviors and actions.

Lead: We are each accountable, and model the way, we speak up and look out for each other and we lead at home and in our communities. Trust: We understand we make mistakes and gain value from learnings and we create an environment where feedback is valued, recognition is frequent, it is safe to speak up and to stop work when necessary. Collaborate: We create an inclusive environment, where we are all valued and respected, we listen, collaborate, share information and support each other. Challenge: we celebrate success but are always looking to improve, we challenge the status quo, we do it safely


The Nutrien Way


image-20240305132216-1Download the playbook to find:

An overview of our Culture of Care

Leadership roles and responsibilities

Safety practices for every worker and team

The key daily actions that we all take to stay safe

Our approach to preventing serious injuries and fatalities 

A summary of supporting systems, programs and initiatives 


Download the Nutrien Way Playbook


<br></br>To see the latest safety news, check out our stories


Read our latest story about Ryan being awarded Rising Stars of Safety at The National Safety Council.  

See all stories

Check out the following safety-related documents:

Nutrien SHE Policy

Nutrien Code of Conduct

Nutrien SHE Management

Dive into our performance

ESG Targets

Sustainability Report

Data Tool