Nutrien Releases 2023 Global Community Impact Report
Nutrien’s Community Relations & Investment (CRI) supports our business purpose by nurturing communities through collaborations with community partners who share our values and help us to make a positive and lasting impact in the communities where we operate. “While we share CRI data and stories annually in our global Sustainability Report, this year for the first time, we are sharing our Global Community Impact Report publicly,” says Tim Faveri, Vice President, Sustainability & Stakeholder Relations. “We hope our people and partners will appreciate seeing this more in-depth look into our strategic approach to community relations and investment.”
This report outlines our approach and shares key results and achievements from our partnerships. In our business and our communities, Nutrien aims to foster the growth and development of:
- Our global food resources by ensuring the availability of nutritional food through innovation and advancement of sustainable agriculture.
- Our natural ecosystems by protecting and promoting ecosystem health.
- Our industry by seeding and supporting diversity and inclusivity.
- Our communities by listening to, respecting, and meeting their unique needs to ensure residents are nourished and supported.
As you explore this report, we invite you to ask questions or perhaps identify opportunities to partner because we know we cannot create positive social impact without the innovative work and passionate commitment of our partners and employees. Learn more about our impact framework and how to partner with us.
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