Nutrien contributes to disaster relief
In response to a devastating fire season in California and what is being called the worst drought in Australia in 50 years, Nutrien is providing disaster relief donations to help meet the immediate needs of our customers and neighbors.
Nutrien is donating AU$100,000 to Australian drought relief efforts, and pledging up to AU$50,000 more to match employee donations. The company is also providing US$50,000 to the American Red Cross to help with disaster relief in California.
“Our thoughts go out to everyone impacted in both California and Australia – including many employees who have farms of their own. Supporting them in this struggle is part of what it means to grow our world from the ground up,” says President and CEO Chuck Magro. “We hope these donations help meet the immediate needs of our friends and neighbors in the affected areas.”
In California, more than 5,600 fires have killed at least 14 people and burned more than a million acres. The financial impact of the fires is estimated at more than $700 million.
The Australian donation is going to Buy a Bale – a relief organization created in 2013 to help Aussie farmers cope with drought, by providing them with hay to feed their livestock and gift cards to help put food on the table.
“The impact of these disasters is truly heart-breaking for our customers and our employees, who are experiencing it first hand,” says Mike Frank, President, Nutrien Retail. “We’re proud to support relief efforts in both Australia and California.”
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