Nutrien volunteers help build a strong foundation in the community
Nutrien strives to contribute meaningfully to the communities where we operate, and members of our WiNTER employee resource group recently organized a volunteer opportunity to support the Pembroke community in Craven County, North Carolina.
WiNTER – Women in Non-Traditional Environments and Roles – aims to cultivate an inclusive environment that supports women to advance their skills and leadership through connection, mentorship, collaboration and discussion.
Members of the group who work at Nutrien’s Phosphate facility in Aurora, NC volunteered with Habitat for Humanity of Craven County, making door frames for the next home build in the Pembroke neighborhood. The volunteers worked under the guidance of construction professionals to prioritize safety, and alongside other volunteers and future Habitat for Humanity homeowners.
“Nutrien employees, co-op students and several supporters had a great time adding some building skills to our toolbelts,” says Rachel Vautrin, Chemical Operations. “It’s important to support inclusion both at work and in our communities and this was a rewarding experience for all.”
The group helped organize the activity through our Employee Volunteer Program, which allows eligible employees to spend up to three days per year volunteering during work hours for a charity or non-profit, and their efforts are bringing Nutrien closer to our goal of 25,000 volunteer hours by 2025.
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