The art of Smart: Feeding fields with ESN

Published: Oct 03, 2022

To demonstrate the power of Nutrien’s controlled-release fertilizer, Environmentally Smart Nitrogen (ESN), we went big.

With the assistance of world-renowned crop artist Stan Herd, the team took a two-and-a-half-acre section of a cornfield in the US state of Iowa and converted it into a piece of living art.

“Working with a company like Nutrien that understands the needs of balancing feeding the world with a nod to the environment was very exciting for me,” says Stan.

The goal of the crop art was to demonstrate the positive impact our nitrogen fertilizer can have on crop quality and yield, all while providing the added benefit of protection from nitrogen loss through leaching, denitrification, and volatilization.

“Taking a cornfield planted using ESN and carving out our message so it can be seen throughout the season truly brings home the importance of protecting nitrogen so it’s not lost to the environment,” says Suzanne Fletcher, Nutrien Marketing Manager. “This living billboard broadcasts the key message of ‘Feed your fields with Environmentally Smart Nitrogen.’ Growers can be reminded of the importance of protecting their nitrogen investment and the quality results they can expect when they do.”