Nutrien’s Cory potash mine has been proudly recognized for exceptional support to Canadian Military Reservists

Published: Aug 30, 2023

In a remarkable display of dedication to both its employees and the country, Nutrien’s Cory potash mine has been nominated and officially recognized under the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Employer Support Recognition Program. This honor underscores Nutrien’s deep-rooted commitment to fostering a workplace culture that embraces diversity, inclusion and the tireless service of Canadian Military reservists.

At the heart of this recognition lies the steady support provided to employees serving in the Canadian Military reserves. Cory’s proactive approach led to a collaborative negotiation of a Letter of Understanding with the union, ensuring comprehensive military leave provisions and support from both the site's human resource team and the union to the employee and their family.


"Receiving this award is important as it shows that we will work with employees that are serving in the military,” says Cheryl Simpkins, Senior Manager, HRBP. “What we gain as an organization is well-trained individuals who will look out for their coworkers and are dedicated not only to our company but also our country."

Nutrien’s Cory potash mine takes immense pride in its employees who serve as active reservists in the Canadian Military – Dave Sellers and Mike Kupchyk, both valued members of our Mill department. Dave nominated Cory and four specific employees to receive the award for undertaking the military leave initiative.

"When I decided to join the Canadian Armed Forces reserved force, I knew it wouldn't be easy. Marriage, raising 3 kids, bills, and work all have a certain amount of stress associated with them,” says Dave. “When Nutrien steps up and helps curb that stress through our site's military leave LOU, it allows me to devote more focus during military training, knowing back home that my family's needs are being fulfilled."

This recognition coincides with Cory’s registration for the With Glowing Hearts initiative, a Reservist Support Initiative championed by the Canadian Armed Forces.


“By joining the With Glowing Hearts initiative, our site illustrates its dedication to not only accommodating but actively supporting the unique skill sets of reservists,” says Leon Boehm, General Manager, Cory. “This initiative showcases our pledge to foster a balance between work and military commitments, allowing reservists to contribute their exceptional qualifications to both their community and workplace.”