Nutrien Employees Exceed Volunteer Target of 25,000 hours by 2025
Nutrien employees volunteered more than 26,700 hours, representing a 52 percent increase over 2022.

Striving to contribute meaningfully to the communities globally and locally where we operate, Nutrien set an ambitious volunteer target in 2020 for employees: achieving 25,000 hours by 2025. Progress against the target has been measured in every sustainability report since.
Nutrien recognizes that employees can make a meaningful difference in their communities through volunteering. The Employee Volunteer Program enables eligible employees to take up to three paid volunteer days during work hours and through our Employee Matching Gift Program they can earn reward dollars for eligible charities if volunteering outside of work hours.

In 2023, Nutrien employees exceeded the target by volunteering more than 26,700 hours, representing a 52 percent increase over 2022. This was achieved through a combination of volunteer hours during work and outside of work.
“Our programs allow employees flexibility and the opportunity to connect with Nutrien’s purpose in a way that is important personally but also has meaning in the community. Whether it’s coaching children’s sport teams or packing hampers at the local food bank, the need for volunteers is great,” said Renee Glushyk, Manager, Community Relations & Investment.
Organizations are often understaffed; non-profits and charities need people to volunteer in the community to help them to be able to achieve their objectives and mission.

“Having sat on a number of volunteer boards, I know the commitment it takes to support our communities in such a capacity. I am thankful to work for a company like Nutrien that supports employees and their communities by rewarding volunteer efforts such as board duties, actioning on our purpose of Feeding the Future,” said Tim Faveri, Vice President, Sustainability & Stakeholder Relations.
“There is a lot of scientific research about volunteering and the intrinsic benefits that a person gets from helping someone else. It’s the rush of endorphins, feeling a sense of purpose and the positive impacts on mental and physical wellbeing. Through volunteering employees can connect with others from the company and community that they might not already know,” says Renee.

To learn more about Nutrien’s commitment to our communities, and to review the Community Relations and Investment highlights from the 2023 year, read our Global Sustainability Report.
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