Our employees bring expertise from farm to work

Published: Oct 04, 2023

Nothing beats a product review from a trusted source.

Many of our employees are experts in our products because they use them on their very own farms. Meet Amy, Karl, Kevin, Ron and Sara, and learn about their favorite products and how their passion for farming aligns with the work they do at Nutrien.

image-20231004083417-1Amy Crozier, Senior Marketing Representative for Ag Specialties | Calgary, AB

As fifth generation grain and dairy farmers, Amy and her husband are focused on the sustainability of their operation to ensure future viability. Nutrient management is also key, and ESN® is an important tool in their nutrient plan, thanks to its application flexibility and seed safety.

“It’s important to go to work knowing that you’re selling a product with integrity. I use ESN on my farm and recommend it as an agronomist,” says Amy. “I feel fortunate to have found a rewarding career that fits both my family and my passions. My favorite part of farming is that every day there are new challenges, and I love being able to work with family, people in the industry and producers.”




image-20231004083543-1Karl Dawson, Facility Manager | Henderson, KY

For Karl, it’s important to trust the products that he recommends to growers. He’s been using ESN on corn for several years and values the product’s controlled-release nitrogen.

“Being able to grow crops on my own farm and work for Nutrien allows me to stay informed about new products and technologies on the market,” says Karl. “When customers see that I’m using our products, they know that I like them and trust their performance. It feels good to be confident in what I’m recommending.”  





image-20231004083652-2Kevin Appelt, Branch Manager | Wakaw, SK

Kevin farms with his two brothers, and they’re no strangers to Nutrien products. They’re currently using Smart Nutrition™ MAP+MST® with Atlas and ESN applied; applying Awaken and Radiate to most of the acres; and have been using Echelon since it was first introduced.

“As both a farmer and branch manager of two locations for Nutrien, I can provide a testimony to customers because I’m using the same products,” Kevin says. “My favorite part of farming is the sense of achievement that comes when you did everything right and are rewarded with a great crop, and I feel that same sense of accomplishment when our customers’ goals are achieved.”





image-20231004084004-3Ron Denison, Crop Consultant | Gibson, IA

When Ron isn’t at the office, he’s seeing firsthand how some of Nutrien’s fertilizer technologies are working on his own farm. He uses the Echelon Program, Smart Nutrition MAP+MST, ESN, Extract, NutriSync Complete 3D, Titan XC and Terramar. In fact, using Extract – a biocatalyst for nutrient release – which is part of our Loveland Products, Inc. brand, has helped Ron achieve his best yielding soybeans.

“The products that I use align with the work I do to help customers increase their yields and return on investment,” says Ron. “I can tell them my own story of what I see with these products when used on corn and soybeans.”




image-20231004084035-4Sara Lemmerich, Agronomy Innovation Specialist | Humbolt, SK

For Sara, the best part about farming is seeing a crop go from start to finish – “it’s amazing what those small seeds can do.” With the help of Smart Nutrition MAP+MST, ESN, Atlas and Echelon variable rate services, Sara is seeing results on her own farm, and her knowledge of the products and long history of working in agriculture is helping other farmers grow their best crops, too.

“Every growing season is different, complete with challenges and opportunities. I treated half of a field with Atlas, and when I soil sampled both sides of the field, there was considerably more phosphate available on the half where the product was applied,” says Sara. “Seeing a result like that with the rising costs of fertilizer makes the value of Atlas shine.”