Youth guide youth to feed the future in Trinidad

Published: Aug 16, 2023


Around the world, Nutrien employees are finding creative ways to contribute to our purpose, Feeding the Future.

Each year, in Trinidad, our internship program invites about 28 young people to work with us. They support varied functions, including human resources, operations, engineering, finance, information technology, procurement and the model farm. A few years ago, one of our then HR Advisors in Trinidad, Reynelle Mark, came up with the idea to provide our interns with an opportunity to give back to the community while working with us. The interns raised funds, which Nutrien would match, to go to a local charitable organization.

“This year I wanted to take it a bit further,” explains Josanne Basanoo, Model Farm Operations Coordinator, and internship community project lead. “The interns needed to get that whole Nutrien volunteerism experience and to be of service to others. I felt they needed to interact more and work together so I came up with the Vacation camp.”

The interns were provided daily themes for a four-day camp to host 20 students from a school in our community who are a part of the school’s 4-H club.  They split themselves into groups for each day and came up with the agenda and all associated activities for the days.  


“The aim of this vacation camp was for the interns to grow professionally and personally while at the same time allowing the little campers to grow holistically as well,” says Josanne. “It was designed to allow youth to help and guide youth, which really feels like Feeding the Future to me!”